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Today I will be discussing how to find vulnerable sites left and right to add to your collect and increase your number of sites hacked a day. what you need: Web Country Codes Google List of Dorks! [*] Finding Vuln SQLI sites via country code: CODE: inurl:*.php?id= site:RU This will search for Russian sites with the site: dork and look for pages with ANYTHING.php?id= [*] Targeting Specific Sites: This helps decrease the time it takes to find a vuln rather than looking manually through the whole site. [*] CODE: inurl:**.php?id= site:www.target.com The BIG stuff : As you may have guessed, yes this will look for Israel Government sites with ANYTHING.php?id= in the URL. Dont forget you can change **.php?id= to any of your favorite dorks like **.php?catid= etc.. CODE: .gov inurl:**.php?id= site:IL Conclusion: Yes this was short and sweet but very helpful for beginners and those who are looking for new sites to hack. Get creativ...
Havij v1.16 Pro Portable it's full version no need for install it's portable. Download from Mediafire Virustotal: Code: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/bfea6b1ba80a8b663c54dba0aa6e45ad3a4e8ff005a82adfed88aab78b2ffb85/analysis/
Well First of all Go to bedbathandbeyond 2, Put any item In Cart 3, Well go to Checkout 4 , Go to billing page 5, Enter Wrong Info Like this 6, Okay once You Get The Picture on the 6 it means CC is valid But if you get another error cc is dead as Shit